Monday, 4 April 2016

Hirearkhy - A pain killer for the recruitment world

We all have gone through the pains of recruitment, either being an employer or employee. Consultants, online portals, referrals, campus recruitment etc remained to be the resort for recruiters and job hunters. Even though demand for quality candidates reached all time high, supply chain succumbed to pains of recruitment.

In the current circumstances, there are three types of job hunters; one who is very choosy, another one who accepts whatever he gets and looks for a change later and lastly, who thinks there are no jobs available for him/her. On the other side of the coin, there are recruiters who judge those. They classify them to 100 types. Qualified, dud 1, dud 2 and 97 more duds. In an average, a recruiter spends just 6 seconds on a resume. Yes, you just have 6 secs to give them the first impression.  Once you are short listed, your journey of frustration begins. Either it can be in the form of time taken or can be in the form of levels of interview or even in the form of lack of coordination.

Among all the chaos, we thought online job portals could serve our needs. To some extent, it had helped. But candidates who meet the requirements were very less. Even though advanced search option pulled many profiles, there were very few who could be shortlisted.

Time was ticking and there were start-ups who worked on this with the help of advanced technology. ‘Hirearkhy’, a Bangalore based start-up with 6 full time employee has developed a system based on the machine learning algorithm which is currently on a testing stage with 10 companies. They are different from the existing job portals and procedures for patent rights for their algorithm have already started. Their system was inspired from the dating sites, hence hirearkhy boast about matchmaking between employer and a candidate. Corporate world is said to have an eye on hirearkhy which is supposed to reduce the recruitment pain drastically. Founder, Ravi Krishna and Siddeque are ecstatic about the prospects of their system and investors are already in talks with them.

-Abinas Bangalore